Join us for AOSA’s annual virtual 5k fundraiser

Come run, walk, skip, dance, and move with us between April 15 and May 15. The main event is May 5 - 7. AOSA encourages you and your chapter to participate then if possible. Thank you for joining AOSA in this great event! Get your chapter, family, friends, and community involved and have fun while supporting AOSA.

Register by donating $25 today! 

  • The cost is $25 and the full amount goes to AOSA. Registrants will also pay a small processing fee to Run Sign-Up for hosting the event.
  • Participate Individually or with your chapter.
  • Double your money! Click "Beome a Fundraiser" in the registration process to set up a page for your friends and family to support your run.



Let’s Get Moving and Singing!

  • Every registrant will receive a canon written by Jacque Schrader and Rick Layton especially for this event. As you participate in the 5K, sing it with your friends and post your video!
  • Swag! T-shirts are available for purchase. Get a chapter pix in your t-shirs and post to the AOSA Social Media accounts.
  • Did someone say bingo? Enhoy this super fun BIngo card to play along the way!
  • And here are a few fun challenges to do along the way. Remember to post pics and videos! 

Donations Donations are welcome even if you participate from the comfort of your couch! Anyone can donate, including non-AOSA members and businesses, so please spread the word.


AOSA Wants to Highlight You and Your Chapter

  • We would love to sendout a “passing the recorder” video on the morning of Friday, May 5th. You can use any recorder and pretend someone is passing it to you and you are running it to someone else. Upload your “passing the recorder” video in this Google Form. Please upload these videos by Wednesday, May 3rd. 
  • We would love to have lots of chants and cheers to post during the official 5K weekend. Get your chapter together, music teacher friends, or even a solo! Come up with a fun cheer, chant, parody, body percussion piece, elemental piece, really anything!  Upload your chant and cheer videos in this Google Form. Please upload these videos by Wednesday, May 3rd.
  • AOSA will use these submissions during the main event to cheer everyone on.
