Join us for AOSA’s annual virtual 5k fundraiser

Come run, walk, skip, dance, and move with us between October 5 and November 15. Thank you for joining AOSA in this great event! Get your chapter, family, friends, and community involved and have fun while supporting AOSA.

Register by donating $25 today! 

  • The cost is $25 and the full amount goes to AOSA. Registrants will also pay a small processing fee to Run Sign-Up for hosting the event.
  • Participate Individually or with your chapter.
  • Double your money! Click "Beome a Fundraiser" in the registration process to set up a page for your friends and family to support your run.



Let’s Get Moving and Singing!

  • Every registrant will receive an arrangement by Karen Petty of Down the Road. As you participate in the 5K, sing it with your friends and post your video!
  • Swag! T-shirts are available for purchase. Get a chapter pix in your t-shirs and post to the AOSA Social Media accounts.

Donations Donations are welcome even if you participate from the comfort of your couch! Anyone can donate, including non-AOSA members and businesses, so please spread the word.


AOSA Wants to Highlight You and Your Chapter!
