Judy Thompson-Barthwell is a retired music educator of 44 years. During her employment, she taught general music, choir, and dance K-12. She volunteers in music classrooms and mentors working music educators. An AOSA Teacher Educator for many years, she received the 2012 Michigan MEA Teacher of the Year Award and the 2021 AOSA Distinguished Service Award.

Sofia Lopez-Ibor Aliño is a world-renowned Orff educator. She has authored two books, and received multiple awards. These include the Pro Merito award from the International Orff Schulwerk Forum, and Teacher of the Year at The San Francisco School where she currently teaches. She served as President of the Spanish Orff Association and a Board Member of the International Orff-Schulwerk Forum Salzurg.

Plan now to join us as we grow together!
The links below have all the information you need to join us in Des Moines, IA in November.


  Registration Information

Note: Links will be added as content is available.

Lodging Information   Conference Hotel Information
Travel Information   Location, Airport; Parking
Conference Sessions   Presenters, Session Titles, Descriptions
Events and Programs   Performances, Digital Poster Session, Evening Events
Daily Schedule   Times for PD Sessions, Events/Performances, Marketplace
College Credit   Contact Hour Certificate, Graduate Credit
Presenter Information   Equipment, Notes, Due Dates, Photocopy
Conference Staff   National and Local Team
Tips for Requesting Funding   Sample Letter, Talking Points


  Use the AOSA App for the most up-to-date conference details.

Please use #AOSADesMoines for conference social media posting.

AOSA is pleased to announce that the 2025 conference will be held in Lexington, KY, November 19-22, 2025.
Thank you to the Kentucky Chapter for hosting!

AOSA Conference Site Selection Process

Submission deadline for Research Posters has been extended to May 31, 2024.