This database was previously hosted by the University of Kentucky. Currently we have added papers from 1964-2018.

The Webliography is a comprehensive, annotated bibliography of research in Orff Schulwerk (OS) related to music teaching and learning from different countries around the world. Each entry page includes:

  • Title
  • Author(s)
  • Abstract excerpt
  • Purpose
  • Source to locate the paper
  • PDF file of the paper when permission is granted by the author.

This material is shared in the AOSA Resource Library and searchable by key words. Select "Webliography" as the Resource Type in the search area of the library landing page. A URL is included with the description of each item so that non-members can access the content by copy/pasting the link into their browser.

Year : 2021
Month : April
Resource Types : Webliography/Research Papers
Subjects : Research